The size of the Council consists of one member for every nine employees at Lifely. The Council has a minimum of three members.

Running for office.

Anyone at Lifely who is not a majority shareholder is allowed to run for office. Each year in the first week of February Lifely employees who wish to run may announce this to the Lifely trustee. All contenders will be announced during the following All-hands.


From the moment of your announcement, all candidates are allowed to campaign in the way they see fit. On election day each contender is allowed to give a 3-minute elevator pitch during the All-hands.


Everyone at Lifely is allowed to vote, even contenders and shareholders, and all votes are counted equal. Everyone votes for their top three council candidates. Your first choice will receive three votes, your second two and your third vote will receive one. As a contender you aren't allowed to cast votes for yourself. Votes will be cast anonymously during an All-hands meeting and counted directly after. Colleagues who are unable to participate in the event will have the opportunity to use mail in ballot ^^ through Lifely’s trustee.

On the Council.

Each Council serves a term of twelve months from the last working day of February till the next year on the same date. No member can be re-elected more than two consecutive terms. Your Council responsibilities and benefits will go into effect one month after being elected.

If for some reason a Council member leaves the Council due to personal reasons, termination of employment, or not being able to contribute to the Council’s purpose, the remaining members will elect a new member. If more than two people leave the Council for any reason, a re-election will take place the following month.