Chapter 1, our big hairy audacious goals.

1.1 What drivers influence our goals?

In setting our goals it’s useful to first define what the drivers for the companies goals are. Lifely is driven by the following:

Goals for building Lifely

Gates for growth.

<aside> 💡 What is a gate? A gate, or roadblock, represents a goal, target or objective we must reach in order to consider taking the next step. Without first crossing the gate you’re currently stuck at growth and stability which is not recommended. It leads to volatility and puts pressure on the company that cannot be solved structurally in any other way. It’s a point that you have to fix in order to take the next step.


Gate 1, Product Market Fit.

The first gate that we have to work on is the concept of Product Market Fit. Now it’s easy to consider a 9 year “old” company with a steady recurring revenue a proven product market fit. However we have what should be called a Founder market fit. Our founders have a market fit in terms of value and sales abilities.

The goal is to move away from a Founders Market Fit to a Product Market Fit. For an agency this means being able to get briefs based on your brand and your marketing efforts regardless of the connection to the founders.

Gate 2, Consultative selling.

“Examples of consultative selling are often found when buying a car. In this scenario, the car salesperson asks what kind of car you're looking for, seeks to understand how you'll use the car, finds out what's important to you, and makes suggestions based on what they've learned.”

Lifely currently sells the hero's journey. Where we’re asked to make a fixed price offer, where we have to think about the requirements, their actual needs and the quality level. We’re asked to be the judge, jury and the executioner. Our team needs to be able to take more ownership during both the upsell phase of a project as well as new business. Commercial responsibility should be an awareness throughout the company if we want to grow. Providing the right tools and structure to sell from a consultative standpoint is vital.