At Lifely, we've adopted the Dutch standard of two formal reviews per year. In addition, we've also introduced bi-weekly check-ins with your Lead.

Progress reviews.

During your progress review, you'll discuss the goals set during your job interview or during your last performance review. This is your moment to shine and present your plan. If you're on schedule, that's great! Tell us how you're going to exceed expectations and, more importantly, tell us how we can help you do so. And if you're falling behind, tell us how you're going to get back on track and what help you could use to do so.

Performance reviews.

The performance review is our most formal meeting at Lifely. We've divided the team into a summer and a winter group. During this review we will:

360 feedback.

In preparation for your performance review, you'll be asked to perform a 360 feedback evaluation. Everyone is responsible to ask two colleagues to fill in their 360 review forms. You'll be given feedback and be rated on eight different competencies.

Ask for feedback: your Competence Lead will provide feedback, please also request two of your colleagues to fill in your form at least one week before your review is scheduled.

Give feedback: share your honest thoughts, a tip and a top. :) Each team member can only be asked to review two others to spread the load of giving 360 feedback.