All reimbursements must be filled out using this form before the fifth of the month. Make sure you add an image/picture of the receipt to your receipt folder on Google Drive (ask your lead if they haven't yet created one for you). Due to accounting obligations, declarations without a receipt can unfortunately not be reimbursed to you.
There's no minimum or maximum travel distance to be able to apply for travel cost reimbursements.
Anyone working at Lifely can apply for an NS business card for traveling by public transport using 2nd class seating. You can use this card for any traveling as long as it's work related (including team retreats etc.).
Lifely will reimburse parking costs when you park your car at a P+R in Amsterdam or at the IJDock parking garage. The maximum reimbursement for parking your car per day is 10 euros for a maximum of two days per week.
We stimulate everyone to carpool to work, as long as we adhere to current pandemic-related rules and advice by the Dutch government and WHO. For Lifely’ers who choose to carpool, we have the following benefits:
60% carpool bonus. We'll reimburse the carpooler who's driving with the driver for 60% of the normal travel reimbursements as stated above as long as the detour for carpooling is no longer than 15km. We trust everybody will sort out dividing the spoils among themselves. ;-)
We're super keen to offer everyone at Lifely a bicycle plan. However, since nobody has shown serious interest so far we don't have a bicycle plan in place, yet. If you would like to explore the possibilities of a bicycle plan with us, let Nick de Bruijn know so we can pioneer this together. 😉