🤯 Simplicate?

Simplicate helps us in managing several processes and serves as our all-in-one CRM/Sales/ Projects/HRM/reporting/planning/finance tool →  lifely.simplicate.nl.

In your first week you’ll receive an email with an invite to Simplicate. Please, create a password to activate your account. All relevant modules will be activated upon your start at Lifely.

📖 This page is a short 'How to' of the basic modules. For any questions or a more extensive explanation about Simplicate, please reach out to Bibi.


The dark pink 'Start' module summarizes tasks assigned to you and enables you to create and assign tasks to yourself or a colleague.


The pink 'HRM' module is a ‘face book’ of the Lifely team, showing contact information. Over here, you’ll find your personal documents and an overview of your leave and sick days (for the easiest way to request leave of absence, see ‘Time’) Please, also make sure to fill in your ICE contact details. We'll know who to contact in case of emergencies.

Capacity Planning

The yellow ‘Capacity Planning’ gives insights to what you’re (possibly) working on in the coming weeks and months, or any possible downtime coming up (where you can plan to go on a break, or finally pitch that internal project you’ve been wanting to take on).

The green 'Time' module also includes your week's schedule and calendar. Go to your Register tab to complete your hours administration on the project(s) you’ve been working on, and use ‘Calendar’ for any requests for time off.

For project administration, billing, and performance purposes we keep track of all hours spent on projects, whether they be client projects or internal work. As you’ll understand, we need this kind of data to be up-to-date, so we ask you to fill in your hours on a daily basis. At the end of the week, double-check the hours you filled in and submit them.

Your Register tab is also the place to request short (! everything up to one day) leave of absence (‘Verlof/Leave’) and where we track your absence (‘Verzuim/Absence’).

Use your Calendar to request for longer periods of time off (everything more than one day).

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