Last year, my partner and I wrote one simple sentence on our daughter's birth announcement card: I hope you may become who you are. - Nick de Bruijn

This statement holds true for both newborns as well as anyone at Lifely. We want you to feel safe, happy, free, and able to express yourself authentically at Lifely. We won’t tolerate any form of bad behaviour, racism, or (sexual) harassment. If any of this is happening (or you have the slightest feeling of discomfort), please speak up. We’ll support you. If you don’t feel comfortable talking directly to Management, you can talk to our Confidant or Council trustee at any time.

Why do we need this social code?

With this social code we want to make very clear what's acceptable behaviour and what’s not. It's a starting point for healthy discussions, and we hope that this code will help you feel supported if there are ever any feelings of mistreatment.

Our social code.

We expect you to foster a well-organised, respectful, and collaborative environment. You should avoid offending anyone, participating in heated altercations, or disrupting our workplace. We will not tolerate anyone intimidating, pestering, humiliating, victimizing, or sabotaging colleagues at Lifely. We also prohibit wilful discrimination based on age, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, or disability. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it's an indication of how to use your common sense. In general: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’.

This code applies to all employees, contractors, public visitors, clients, and anyone else at Lifely with whom you come into contact.

Addressing harassment in general

Sexual harassment

General disciplinary measures

Taking pride in taking care.

At Lifely, we expect you to take pride in taking care of the space you work in. To leave no markings, no stains, and no rubbish. Use coasters, wipe your workspace clean, and throw your trash in the bin. And if you don't know where things ought to go, please speak up. When your colleague leaves a mess, please speak up. If you see colleagues tidy up, please join them.

Be aware that if you don't clean up after yourself, it's going to be one of your colleagues doing so.

<aside> 🏆 Nick de Bruijn: I want to credit the hard work Blendle did on writing their social code in their publicly released handbook. We took a lot of inspiration from them because it was written so thoroughly and thoughtfully. If anything in this code doesn't breathe Lifely, please leave a comment or let me know so I can address it.
