Transparency requires mutual understanding. And this is far from a given. It is something that requires constant nurturing and demands a two-way stream of consciousness and vulnerable communication.

That two-way stream is challenging to cultivate. Because it requires everyone to feel free, to be honest, to be brave. It requires everyone to speak up when they feel someone is not upholding the standards of conduct or communication we should. So let’s be honest, we’ve not cracked the transparency code. Yet we are trying our very best. We hope these learnings will help you see we’re trying, and will invite you to participate in the push for more transparency at Lifely.

Some of our learnings in regards to transparency:

How we try to uphold transparency at Lifely.

  1. All investments we do in the company that are above 10.000,- euro’s will be shared in the All-hands updates
  2. Every All-hands update has dedicated time set for an AMA where you can truly ask us anything.
  3. Every two months there will be a feedback section in ‣ where you can voice concerns or contribute your idea’s anonymously.
  4. Every year in December we will openly communicate about our revenue, investments and profit.
  5. All internal projects that are aimed to help Lifely be the best Agency it can be are openly documented in the Lifely Handbook.

Doing a lot of good.

Link to all internal projects we invest in: ‣