<aside> 💡 An organisational vision is a document that should help us all standardise our processes and optimise our organisation from within.
This part of the handbook is written by and for the management and shared with you for the purpose of creating clarity and transparency. In this part of the handbook we will talk a lot about numbers, targets and finance. The chapters may therefore not feel like it was written in the same Solve For Good spirit as the rest of the Lifely Handbook. Just know that we need to talk about these things in a black and white manner in order to ensure a we keep our eye on what in the end is just as important, building a financially healthy company.
“In the business world, the equivalent of oxygen is cash. Without cash, a business does not survive. Cash flow – the constant inflow and outflow of cash in a business operation – is literally the lifeblood of a business. It also one of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs and small-business owners face.”
When reading this part of the manual it’s important to think about the different aspects of our company's vision. The goal is to move from high-level down to very tactical.
To understand the vision we’re inviting you to build, it’s important to first understand which goals we are working towards. These goals might not align with your own, and may seem incomplete. By giving feedback and building upon the vision, it’s important to start with challenging our goals before moving onwards to the more tactical steps in this part of the handbook.
Continue to chapter 1, our goals.
Why do we exist? Not just on a company level, but as a management, council and team. A shared purpose helps us all in the process of building upon the vision, mainly because it allows us to work from the same intent.
Continue to chapter 2, our purpose.
Dreaming of the future is all good and well, but how do we stay sane? How do we measure the health of the company during a phase of transition and growth? If a company was a living organism, money would be it’s oxygen. Money is not something you want to think about all day long, but it is the most important resource for our health. In this chapter we try to define which key performance indexes we have to look at to judge the health of the company.
Continue to chapter 3, key performance indicators.
Underlying to all that we envision, there is a pattern that has been played out at every agency we draw inspiration from. Let’s go deep into the two different cultures that we’ve identified at Agencies, both having elements of good, both having challenges. It will require all of us to participate in the new paradigm of our culture To finish the transition of Lifely.